> SET-based operation
UPDATE s -- update the entire set of data at once.
SET StatusCode = 'ACTIVE', ModDate = dbo.DateTrunc('day', GETDATE())
FROM dbo.Site s
INNER JOIN dbo.Contact c WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.SiteNo = c.SiteNo
> Cursor-based operation (row-based/serial)
DECLARE @ls_SiteNo CHAR(10)
FROM dbo.Site s
INNER JOIN dbo.Contact c WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.SiteNo = c.SiteNo
OPEN crsModule1
FETCH NEXT FROM crsModule1 INTO @ls_SiteNo
WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0 ) BEGIN
UPDATE dbo.Site
SET StatusCode = 'ACTIVE', ModDate = dbo.DateTrunc('day', GETDATE())
WHERE SiteNo = @ls_SiteNo -- update each row at a time.
FETCH NEXT FROM crsModule1 INTO @ls_SiteNo
CLOSE crsModule1
1) Database engines are optimized for set-based operation. However, there are some cases that a serial operation is the only or better option. Generally speaking, if we can avoid using a cursor, we would be better off.
2) When we deal with a smaller set of data, the difference between the two operations might be very minimal or we wouldn't even notice any difference in performance. But as the volume of data grows bigger, the performance difference will probably become more obvious.
3) Personally speaking, I believe that a set-based operation would be processed still serially inside of the database engine in the end. However, experts still recommend that we use a set-based operation if possible. It seems to me that it is a better idea to let the database engine take care of the serial data operation. It is probably not a good idea for us to manually figure out how to serially process data because the database engines normally know better than we do about the data operation. Just a thought...
2) When we deal with a smaller set of data, the difference between the two operations might be very minimal or we wouldn't even notice any difference in performance. But as the volume of data grows bigger, the performance difference will probably become more obvious.
3) Personally speaking, I believe that a set-based operation would be processed still serially inside of the database engine in the end. However, experts still recommend that we use a set-based operation if possible. It seems to me that it is a better idea to let the database engine take care of the serial data operation. It is probably not a good idea for us to manually figure out how to serially process data because the database engines normally know better than we do about the data operation. Just a thought...
* Thank to Mr. Gord Gray who kindly provided me with these examples to help me understand on this subject.